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December 19, 2007


During our first conversation my father-in-law said, "You must have read _dozens_ of books!" I don't think he believed me when I told him it was thousands, but I had been reading 100+ book a years for decades by that time. As far as I know, Art never read a book for pleasure in his whole life...it just wasn't his bag. That's not a bad thing, it's just the way it is. Art was a very successful man, and wise in ways I will never master. What I learned from knowing him was that books are what I love, but they aren't good in themselves, and they are neither necessary nor sufficient for wisdom.

It's unfortunate how a most, or many, people associate books with the tediousness and pain of high school. Education is killing reading, in a way.

Thanks for a great post on this topic Anna. I've been avoiding addressing it myself. I do take issue with the selectivity of these studies focusing on just something like pleasure reading of novels. This leaves out reading of short stories, poetry, non-fiction, newspapers, magazines, and the web. The statistics on pleasure reading may look a lot better if everything is included.

I think books will make a Renaissance; consider that we spend massive amounts of time in front of computer screens. reading. every day.

Hell the internet is all text and porn - at some point, people will start appreciating good writing again, online.

Where's the Charles Dickens style blog that posts a new chapter a week?

AMEN sister! I have learned the fine art of dropping a boring book halfway through and never looking back. I do include the classics on my list but prefer friends' recommendations, and don't hesitate to abandon the classics if they don't grab me. One of the things I still absolutely love about not being in school is being able to do that, and it makes me never want to go back to school. There has got to be a better way to get non-readers to read than forcing them in public school. My mom bribed us ;) (she would "bet" us we couldn't read x number of books over the summer, and if we did she'd buy us a book. We always did.)

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