... here comes the debut issue of Sadie Magazine, an online periodical that looks just fabulous.
"Sadie is a magazine for young women who might otherwise read glossy teen magazines that focus on hair, makeup, and prom dresses. Rather than training women to consume, Sadie aims to empower girls with stories of risk-taking ladies. Our goal at Sadie is to offer resources in order to make young women (and all interested young men) self-sufficient, independent and knowledgeable. We aim to help girls learn how to make important decisions and find inspiration. We would like to question industries that target young women and offer practical advice ... We tackle fun and substantive issues in a market that regards women as recipients of ad campaigns."
Good lord. This sure beats the YM and 'Teen mags that I checked out the public library in my younger years. Had Sadie been around in my early teens, I might've had an alternative idea of what it means to be young and female, saving myself the strife of taking those lame-ass quizzes so seriously. I mean, I literally had a binder (hidden under my bed) that recorded the mini-evaluations that my quiz score earned. Was I a Drama Queen? A Passive Pansy? A Flirt? Too Girly or Not Girly Enough? My empiricist approach to puberty aimed to Figure It Out.
May Sadie give other young girls some breathing room.