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December 01, 2010


This is wonderful Anna!

Yes, thanks. And don't assume that younger people have read all the books you might think they've read. Horton Foote, the screenplay writer for To Kill a Mockingbird, changed my life, and not only is the film lovely, but the book still stands the test of time.

You may be surprised at who hasn't read it.

I think you've sold me on a subscription to Harper's. Of course, in my mind, $16.97 translates to three beers--two if you're fancy--which isn't all that much in the grand scheme of things. I'm happy to see Per Petterson, Ludmilla Petrushevskaya and Alison Bechdel in the updated guide. And so many more who I've yet to meet. Thank you for this resource!!

A few recommendations
For the culinary-challenged vegan/vegetarian with a taste for world cuisine: Vegan Planet by Robin Robertson
This was especially helpful for me when I was transitioning from lacto-ovo to strict vege/vegan.

For people who like a dash of mystery: Last Night in Montreal by Emily St. John Mandel
I also categorize this as lit fiction that even the non-reader will enjoy.

For those who are looking for a different kind of American novel, those interested in immigrant literature, those who appreciate introspective protagonists: Dinaw Mengestu's The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears

For spiritual seekers, people at crossroads, writers: What the World Will Look Like When All the Water Leaves Us by Laura van den Berg

This is great, Gina -- thanks so much! I STILL haven't read Dinaw Mengestu, so it's great to get another nudge. And so many wonderful things have been written about Laura van den Berg's work ... but I'm totally new to Emily St. John Mandel; I haven't heard of her and I'm intrigued. Same with Vegan Planet. Thanks so much for the arrows pointing in such promising directions! I'm learning a lot from you and your book interests.

Also, I hope you save enough beer money to enjoy a pint while reading your Harper's magazine -- I find they go well together. :)

(P.S. Here a few other vegan cookbooks that I've enjoyed! http://www.govegan.net/)

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