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June 28, 2013


There must be something in the intimate nature of the interview; the face to face between two people that creates an almost sacred space for the two to connect in ways that are impossible when speaking in front of an audience. When it's 1 on 1, whether over the phone or in person, there's the uneasiness of knowing that whatever you say will be closely scrutinized. At least that's how I feel.

There's something about revealing some of your more vulnerable layers in the classroom as well, when you spend an entire year having small side conversations with students, and trying to study them closely to figure out what exactly is making them tick; all the time, your students studying you as well. You can't find that sort of intimacy when speaking in broad terms, or writing for publication, as the distance between you and the reader creates a safe gulf at times, removing a bit of the intimacy. Or maybe that's just how I write, saving the more personal and grey details for elsewhere.

Thanks for the link to the interviews, I'll be sharing with my English teachers this coming year.

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