Getting a point, yo. With tortilla bonus. This is, sadly, the single picture I have of that night.
We went to school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. We were RC kids and mostly all lived and played in East Quad. On a whim, my buddy Zac Pavlov and I decided we were going to make a digital camera scavenger hunt for us and our friends. Zac and I spent serious hours putting this list together that you see below, when we probably should've been reading Kant or Nietzsche or something.
We talked it up for a week, and we filled paper bags with sort-of prizes in them. (I threw in my half-punched coffee shop punch cards for the second-place team, which I sincerely thought of as a not-bad gift.) We gathered up nearly twenty of us. It was a Friday night in spring. We divided into teams of about four or five people, and we ran out the door, high-tailing it in different directions. Somewhere in the dark that night, I lost my nearly-finished journal -- which I'd tucked under my sweatshirt so I could write down funny things we said and interesting things we saw -- and I never saw it again.
Not from the scavenger hunt. But it gets a bit of the mood. And it shows Zac (glasses).
For a lot of reasons, the night of this scavenger hunt was about the most fun I'd ever had. A mix of play, running about, weirdness, inside jokes, absurd specificity, and boatloads of laughter and imagination -- this is what we created.
Maybe you can find a way to make this your own.
The Game: You get 1 point per item on this list, added to any additional points the same item may offer. No double-counting—1 photo can only count for 1 item on this list; content must be different for each item. Game ends 2 hours after take off—don’t be late or we’ll kick your ass for not playing fair. We will also hate you. No cars.
-Tallest member of your team hurdling or vaulting the Kinesiology building sign.
-Team members with the first two birthdays in the year posed with an employee of the Michigan Theater
-A dolphin in the Starbucks on S. University (Worth 2 points)
-Something ironic (10 points for this buddy)
-A person displaying a "lack of dignity"
-Corny movie reference (2 extra points if it involves the Law Library)
-Brace yourself for this predictable puppy--all teammates minus one must be part of a pyramid on the M in the Diag.
-One of your teammates doing a hand/headstand in a heavily crowded area
-Teammate with the darkest colored hair putting lipstick on a stranger in the UGLI (10 points if stranger is male, 5 if female, 7 if other)
-A pose from "Thriller" in the graveyard (2 points per zombie teammate in shot)
-Teammate posing with a DPS officer inside the Arb (25 big one for this one; another 10 points if you are wearing his/her hat)
-Teammate posed in the branches of a tree with a musical instrument, poised to play
-One teammate using a Qtip in the ear of another teammate
-a saxophone
-Great Cat
-something violent (This is worth 5 points; 10 points for blood)
-Dressed as a member of the opposite sex (2 points per teammate)
-a picture combining both Panchero’s and In and Out food (5 points; 10 points if taken in Jimmy Johns)
-The three teammates with the last birthdays in the year capering, jigging, or otherwise prancing about
-An action sequence involving chess
-A melodrama sequence involving a team member and the pumas in front of the Natural History museum
-One teammate completely soaking wet, fully clothed
-Two teammates at a house or co-op party, next to a keg, giving thumbs up
-Person streaking (blurry is ok!!!!! Perhaps preferable) (Worth 5 points; 10 points if streaker is not a teammate)
-Teammate with widest pelvis humping the Rock
-Teammate vaulting the Rock (this was Zac’s idea)
-Hexagon shape. Has to come from nature or man-made (signs, businesses, buildings, etc) as opposed to "you"-made (toothpicks, fingers, cut out of paper)
-You know those twirling poles at Burns Park (by that elementary school)? 2 points for every teammate on one of them in one photo (no limbs on ground)
-Shortest teammate eating Twinkies. 2 points for each additional Twinkie in mouth at same time
-Teammate with most number of pets posed with the staff at Village Corner
-Group shot of smiling old ladies (worth 3 points)
-Teammate licking an air hockey table (3 points if teammate is licking table while non-teammates are playing air hockey on it)
-Feeding a slice of pizza to a Backroom employee
-Sharing a tortilla with a Pancheros employee
-Teammate with shortest hair abusing a vending machine
-A slide tackle
-Teammate with longest hair posing like a dog urinating on a hydrant or lamppost on E. Liberty (must be real fire hydrant) (4 points if really urinating)
-Pose like a famous album cover
-Pose like a famous Bible story
-Series of photos chronicling a person tripping and falling
-Team spelling something with its bodies. (2 points per punctuation mark)
-A beard-off
-Kissing a snowman (2 points if snowman closely resembles Mr. Christian. Julie and Anna will judge accuracy. Ask if you haven’t heard about the diabolic-midget-ice figure)
-A tongue on a metal door handle.
-A double piggy back (person rides the back of someone who rides the back of another)
-Teammates acting like a captured animal, using the soccer goals at Burns Park as a net
-Pavement art made of food
-Two teammates in swings with chains that are wrapped around each other
-Team member wearing a hat; 1 extra point per additional photo in which said team member is wearing a different hat and the same facial expression. 10 points maximum)
-Teammate kissing a non-teammate (4 extra points if non-teammate is of the same sex as teammate, or if there’s approx. a 40 year age difference)
-One teammate riding another teammate like a horse inside a place of business on State Street
-Striking a jazzy pose on a couch in Espresso Royale
-Teammate hanging from the edge of a roof
-Teammate eating meat in front of something that says ‘vegetarian;’ or eating a vegetarian in front of something that says ‘meat.’
-Teammate getting crushed (not really) by the door of a bus (worth 2 points)
-Teammate with birthday closest to Anna’s (August 7) (not including Anna) making fish faces with a member of Anna’s co-op (Henderson House, 1330 Hill Street, they know you’re coming).
-A questionable shot inside Anna’s room (Room 11, third floor).
**At Henderson House, you are welcome to refill on cookies, juice etc., if you ask and are accompanied by one of the co-op people. You can use the bathrooms too. For security’s sake I had to post a list of your names on the foyer door.**
-Picture involving a water pipe
-Teammate wearing the lightest colored shirt spooning the anchor in front of CC Little
-Teammate with darkest eye color drinking from a urinal
-Teammate wearing underwear on the outside of his/her clothes at a party
-Teammate dangling upside down from fence that divides cemetery and Arb
-The fish-slapping dance
-Dance with the devil
-Teammate with smallest feet wearing wig of shaving or whipped cream
-All but one teammate frolicking in a field
-Pinning a boutonnière on an employee of New York Pizza Depot
-A human chain across State Street